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CNI Accessible Lecture - Neurons: How Children’s Brains Share Information and Make Connections

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Dr. Laura Cocas is an assistant professor of biology at Santa Clara University. Dr. Cocas researches the programs that regulate neural circuit formation in the developing brain. She is also a course instructor for the First Gen SCU LEAD program, and works with local schools to bring neuroscience to the classrooms of BIPOC Bay Area students. She will share her empirical work in the vertebrate, determining how synaptic activity affects neural development and myelination, and in the Invertebrate, investigating how inhibition regulates circuit formation in the cephalopod visual system. She will also lead a discussion on how to introduce children to neurons as a way to help them better understand themselves and their own brain health.

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CNI Accessible Lecture - Mom Brain, Dad Brain: Identifying Distinct Maternal and Paternal Neural Networks

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